Resize PNG to 100kb

Free online tool

  • Resize png to 100kb

Tool description

What is resize PNG to 100kb tool?

PNG files can be resized with our resizing tool to the maximum cap size specified. PNG files use lossless compression and support transparency, which makes them larger than other image file types. Because many online apps and portals do not support large-sized PNG pictures, PNG files must be resized to fit their requirements. Our tool streamlines the process by determining the optimal way to resize PNG files while still meeting the size constraint.

How this tool working?

When a PNG file is uploaded to the tool, The tool determines whether PNG files can be resized to the maximum size permitted (e.g., 100 kb). But it is quite difficult to reduce the size of a PNG file using compression alone because PNG files support transparency and use lossless compression. Using the determination logic, the PNG file is analyzed to see if it can be compressed to meet the maximum allowed size or shrunk to a size smaller without affecting the quality.

What we do

How to resize PNG to 100kb?

To resize a PNG file within the maximum size specified (100kb), simply add it to the tool, set the resize option to 100kb, and click the resize button.

Is it free tool?

There are no extra limitations, demo versions, registration requirements, or hidden fees associated with the resize PNG to 100kb tool. With this tool, you can easily resize an unlimited number of PNG files to 100 kb.

Are my images safe?

It is entirely safe to use this tool to resize PNG files to 100 kb. No PNG files are uploaded to a server or any other location by this browser-based tool.

Any skills required?

You can resize PNG files to 100kb without any special skills. To bring the PNG file size within the 100 kb limit, just add the PNG file to the tool, set a 100 kb resizing limit, and click the resize button.

Any restrictions?

Any number of PNG files can be resized to 100 kb without any restrictions. There are no limitations and this tool is free to use.

Download option

It is easy to obtain the resized PNG file. Once the process is finished, a download button and a resized PNG preview will show up. Click "download" to get the PNG file that has been resized.

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