Free online tool

Quality 75
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Compress 2
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Quality 80
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Quality 77
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Image Format description

What is JPG Image?

Joint Photographic Experts Group, or JPG, is the most widely used image file format and is supported by the majority of browsers as well as all Windows PCs, Macs, Android, iOS devices and digital cameras. JPG use lossy image compression method can help you save hard drive space, but it also lowers the quality of the images, which may be noticeable when it is highly compressed. JPGs achieve a balance between image quality and file size. Because of this, JPG-formatted images are typically still acceptable for fast transfer and quick access for web viewing.

What is BMP image?

Bitmap (BMP) is a digital image file format in which an array of bits specifies the colour of each pixel in a rectangular array of pixels. Microsoft developed the BMP format for its Windows operating system in order to maintain digital image resolution across multiple screens and devices. Because BMP files are device-independent, they may be stored and viewed on a wide range of devices and screens without losing quality. The drawback of BMP files is that they are usually not compressed, which results in greater file sizes than other image formats and makes online sharing more challenging.

What we do

How to Convert JPG to BMP?

Upload the JPG file to the tool, select the "convert" button, preview the converted BMP, and then download. The controls allow you to change the BMP's dimension while convert.

Is it free tool?

JPG to BMP Converter does not come with any extra charges, registration limitations, demo versions, or unstated expenses. It is fast and easy to convert an unlimited number of JPG files to BMP.

Are my images safe?

We guarantee the security of this JPG to BMP converter. The JPG files were automatically destroyed two hours after they were uploaded to the server for conversion.

Any skills required?

To convert JPG files to BMP, no specific knowledge is required. You can use this tool to upload a JPG file, click Convert and download the converted BMP file.

Any restrictions?

You can convert an unlimited amount of JPG files to BMP without registering or logging in. There are no restrictions to use this tool.

Download option

Once converted, getting the BMP file is simple. A download button and a BMP image preview will appear after conversion. Click the download button to get the converted BMP file.

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