Add white background to photo

Free online tool

  • jpg
    blueflower.jpg (23.8 KB)


Tool description

What is add white background tool?

This tool for adding a white background to photos automatically distinguishes between the subject and background in the image and eliminates the backgrounds entirely using the color white. Stated differently, this particular tool generates a background mask within a picture and substitutes it with a white backdrop.

How this tool working?

Once a photo has been uploaded, the tool uses artificial intelligence (AI) to distinguish the subject from the background while masking the background in white. To utilize this tool, just upload a photo, then select "Change BG" to get the image with a white background.

What we do

How to change white background?

Upload the photo to the tool, select white from the color picker, and then press the "Change BG" button. Following background modification, a download button and a preview of the background-changed photo are displayed in preview section.

Is it free tool?

The add white background tool comes with no extra restrictions, demo versions, registration requirements, or hidden costs. This tool allows you to freely mask the background of any number of photos to a simple white color.

Are my images safe?

It's entirely safe to use this background change tool. The images uploaded to the server for the purpose of changing the background are automatically removed after two hours.

Any skills required?

You don't need any specialized knowledge to add a white background to a photo. After uploading a photo to the tool, choose Change BG, preview, and download the white-background image.

Any restrictions?

With this tool, you can add a white background to an infinite number of photos. This tool's use is unlimited and free of charge.

Download option

Getting the generated white background image is simple. Once the white background has been added, a button for the image preview and download will show up. To view the finished image, click the "download" button.

Tools section