PNG to JPEG converter

Free online tool

Quality 75
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Compress 2
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Height (px)
Width (px)
Height (px)
Width (px)
Height (px)
Quality 80
Width (px)
Height (px)
Quality 77
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Image Format description

What is PNG Image?

Portable Network Graphics is abbreviated as PNG, is a popular graphic file format that is commonly used on websites to display high-quality digital images. PNGs support transparency, allowing users to easily generate pictures that perfectly overlay with website or image content. PNG offers lossless compression, which preserves image quality and detail after compression. PNG has a far larger colour palette and can handle 16 million colours, making it perfect for displaying and preserving detailed and vibrant images. Most operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, as well as popular web browsers such as Chrome, Edge, and Safari, can open PNG files.

What is JPEG image?

The most popular image file format is JPEG, or Joint Photographic Experts Group, which is supported by most browsers, all Windows PCs, Macs, Android, iOS, and digital cameras. JPEG uses a lossy image compression method that can help you save hard drive space, but it also results in a degradation of image quality. Both JPG and JPEG are the same file format, the file extension JPG was used in place of JPEG, because early versions of Windows mandated that file names have a three-letter extension, but modern systems, however, are capable of supporting both extensions and allowing for interchangeability without sacrificing data integrity.

What we do

How to convert PNG into JPEG?

Upload the PNG image to the tool, choose JPEG conversion, and press the Convert button to convert it to JPEG format.

Is it free tool?

PNG to JPEG Converter doesn't have any hidden costs, demo versions, registration restrictions, or extra fees. Any number of PNG files can be easily and freely converted to JPEG.

Are my images safe?

It's secure to use this PNG to JPEG converter. After being submitted for conversion, the PNG files were automatically removed from the server two hours later.

Any skills required?

Converting PNG to JPEG files doesn't require any specific skills. Upload a PNG file, select JPEG conversion, then convert and download the resultant JPEG image.

Any restrictions?

Converting PNG photos to JPEG format doesn't require registration or logging in. The use of this tool is not restricted.

How to download converted JPEG image?

Following conversion, a download button and a JPEG image preview will show up in the preview section. Click the download button to get the JPEG file that has been converted.

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