DPI checker

Free online tool

DPI Illustration

DPI Illustration - DPI checker tool


What is DPI?

The unit of measurement used to evaluate an image's clarity and detail on paper is Dots per inch, or DPI. The DPI is a ratio that indicates the number of pixels needed to print one inch of paper. A higher DPI means that there are more Dots per inch, which produces an image that is crisper, clearer, and has more detail. Generally speaking, a lower DPI indicates a lower quality image, but a higher DPI will produce a higher quality image.

What is DPI checker tool?

This DPI checker tool makes it simple to find an image's DPI online. The DPI value of an image is found in the X and Y resolution of metadata (headers); this tool simply reads those values from the headers and displays them in tool. When printing an image on paper, the DPI value determines the quality of the print; higher DPI images will print on paper with greater clarity, while lower DPI images will not print on paper with sharp, clear detail.

What we do

How to check DPI of image?

Add the image to the tool, then click the check DPI button to find the image's DPI value.

How this tool working?

The images that are added to the DPI checker tool are uploaded to server, which processes it and extracts the DPI value from the image headers.

Is it free tool?

There are no extra restrictions, hidden fees, registration, or demo versions. Any number of image DPI resolution can be easily found using this tool.

Are my images safe?

It is entirely safe to use this DPI checker tool. The images uploaded to the server for the purpose of finding DPI resolution are automatically removed after two hours.

Any skills required?

Using this tool to find DPI resolution doesn't require any specialized knowledge. Simply add an image in tool and click check DPI button.

Any restrictions?

There are no sign-up or login requirements, nor are there any other limitations. You can look up the DPI resolution on as many images as you like.

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