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Quality 75
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Compress 2
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Quality 80
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Quality 77
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Image Format description

What is JPG Image?

Joint Photographic Experts Group, or JPG, is the most widely used image file format and is supported by the majority of browsers as well as all Windows PCs, Macs, Android, iOS devices and digital cameras. JPG use lossy image compression method can help you save hard drive space, but it also lowers the quality of the images, which may be noticeable when it is highly compressed. JPGs achieve a balance between image quality and file size. Because of this, JPG-formatted images are typically still acceptable for fast transfer and quick access for web viewing.

What is JFIF image?

JFIF (JPEG File Interchange Format) is a file format for storing and exchanging image data that has been compressed using the JPEG algorithm. JFIF is an older version of JPG file format that enables JPEG bitstreams, making it simple to exchange data between multiple platforms and applications, but it missing advanced JPEG-encoding features. Many digital cameras used to save images in the JFIF format for a long period. However, the JPEG format continued to advance, largely replacing the JFIF format. JFIF files can be opened by modern browsers, as well as Windows and macOS applications such as the Photos and Preview apps.

What we do

How to Convert JPG to JFIF?

Use the tool to upload a JPG file, choose JFIF conversion, click Convert, and download the JFIF format image. During conversion, you can adjust the JFIF's dimension using the controls.

Is it free tool?

There are no hidden costs, demo versions, registration restrictions, or additional fees associated with JPG to JFIF Converter. An infinite number of JPG files can be quickly and simply converted to JFIF.

Are my images safe?

We guarantee the security of our JPG to JFIF converter. The JPG files were automatically deleted two hours after being uploaded to the server for conversion.

Any skills required?

No particular expertise is needed to convert JPG files to JFIF. Upload a JPG file to this tool, select Convert, and then download the JFIF file that has been converted.

Any restrictions?

You don't need to register or log in to convert JPG images to JFIF format. The use of this tool is unrestricted.

Download option

The JFIF file is easy to obtain once it has been converted. Following conversion, a download button and a preview of a JFIF image will displayed in preview. Click the download button to get the converted JFIF file.

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